Laboratory Infrastructure

The tissue culture facility is built in an area of 14,000 sq. feet consisting of well-defined sterile and non-sterile areas. The entire laboratory block is equipped with positive air pressure modules which maintain aseptic conditions for the plant growth rooms and plant inoculation rooms. We have 3 inoculation rooms and 4 growth rooms with well-equipped racks and automatic temperature,  humidity and light controlling facility appropriate for the growth of plants.

  • Plant Inoculation Room (PIR)

    Our operators are carefully trained by our experienced supervisors, production managers and lab managers.

  • Plant Inoculation Room (PIR)

    We have 3 PIR consisting of 52 LAF positions. Guided by two lab managers and 3 supervisors, our operators and well trained and experienced.

  • Plant Inoculation Room (PIR)

    We have a separate team for plant initiation and develop plus research our own protocols.

  • Plant Growth Rooms (PGR)

    We have 4 PGRs with the holding capacity of 30,00,000 plants per cycle. We have the capacity of producing 10 million plants per annum.

  • Plant Growth Rooms (PGR)

    Our PGR supervisors thoroughly check all plants and maintain the quality of our production.

  • Plant Growth Rooms (PGR)

    Our growth rooms are equipped with automatic sensors which control the temperature. LED lighting is used in PGR. . Split AC system is used through out the lab to maintain appropriate temperatures.

  • Media Preparation room

    The MPR equipped with 2 double door autoclaves producing over 450 liters of media per day. We have developed media protocols for over 150 varieties.

  • Media Preparation Room Autoclave

    We use double door autoclaves to sterilize our media. We have 2 Double door autoclaves and 4 vertical autoclaves.

  • Media Store room

    The Media Store room stores all our media, where we carefully monitor media quality and sterility.

  • Dispatch area

    Our export packing is done under LAFs to maintain quality. We also have a sperate area for dispatching material everyday.

  • Lobby

    The Lobby divides the Lab into two. On one side we have the PIRs and on the other PGRs. The lobby is equipped with UV lights to kill any bacterial and pressure modules to maintain air pressure.

  • Air Lock

    We use air lock to maintain sterility in the laboratory.

Nursery Infrastructure

We are equipped with an ultra-modern hardening facility to handle millions of plants. We have 6 huge modern playhouses; 2 dedicated for primary hardening and 4 for secondary hardening and tertiary hardening in a total area of about 4.5 acres. Apart from this we have 2 large climate chambers of 3 acres for primary hardening.

  • Primary Hardening Facility

  • Secondary Hardening Facility

  • Tertiary Hardening Facility

Our Office

We also have 3000 sq ft of office area, with multiple cabins, large reception and conference room.

  • Reception

  • Office

  • Conference Room

  • Office Buildng